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What to Expect the Day of Your Procedure

Arrive 2 Hours Prior to Your Scheduled Procedure

When you arrive, you may be asked to fill out some paperwork at the registration desk. Someone from the Short Stay team will have you change into a gown, and confirm that you have followed all pre-procedural instructions to ensure you are prepared for your bronchoscopy procedure.  You will be connected to a monitor to check your vital signs, and the nurse will start an intravenous (IV) line to prepare you to receive medications that will sedate you throughout the procedure.


Before entering the procedure room, you will speak with an anesthesiologist to discuss the type of sedation you will receive, what to expect, and answer any questions you may have.  Your Pulmonologist will also speak with you prior to the procedure to review any changes since they last saw you, and answer any questions you may have.

Bronchoscopy Procedure

After your anesthesia consultation, you will be brought into the operating room and be set up for the procedure. The OR team will confirm the procedure you are having, and answer any questions you may have. You will be given oxygen with a mask or small tubes just inside your nose.  Once everyone is situated, you will receive sedating medication by the anesthesiologist and the procedure will begin. You will be put to sleep for the procedure. Your doctor will put the bronchoscope into your mouth to look at your airways. This is done with a small camera that is attached to the bronchoscope. During the test, your doctor may take a sample of tissue or fluid from your lungs. The whole test takes less than an hour.


You will be brought back to the Short Stay area once the procedure is completed so you can be monitored. You may have a chest x-ray if the doctor took a sample tissue in your lung. You may feel a little sleepy from the sedation which is normal. Once the doctor determines you are cleared to go home and your transportation arrives, you will be able to go home. You must arrange for someone to pick you up from Hilo Benioff Medical Center on the day of your procedure since we cannot allow you to leave unless we are sure you can get home safely.